Engineering the world differently, Excellence in every experience.
With over 35 years of combined experience in industrial tools "TIGHTX SOLUTIONS" offers a dynamic range of Bolting Tools including Torque Wrenches, Tensioning Equipment, Lifting Wedges, suitable Pumps and several Bolting accessories. We also offer a comprehensive range of machinery for Cold Cutting & Beveling, Flange Facing maintenance Tools and other machining Equipement’s.
Backed by a rich experience of working closely with Industry experts, ensures a total understanding of the industry requirements. We are pushing the industry forward with our wide range of tools and services that our customer can operate safely, productively, and effectively.
"TIGHTX SOLUTIONS" is dedicated to engineer-controlled Bolting & Piping Solutions, through new technologies and utilizing advancements in material technology. Equipped with a robust manufacturing unit, our team is committed to continuous development of innovative products and services offering increased safety, performance and durability.
TIGHTX SOLUTIONS PVT LTD has joint venture with IET for all domestic productions. IET Is operational since 2002.
TIGHTX Started its operation in fabrication with team of four engineers. Initially only fabrication work was operational to make customized products, gear as well as spare parts. Supplying Studs was one of our core product.
It was time of recession and fortunately we started at right time with production of tools. TIGHTX developed all tools & machinery used for Bolting and In-situ Maintenance.
This was time when we grew to double strength in terms of turnover and manpower. Torquing & Tensioning,In-situ became our core product.
TIGHTX entered into manufacturing of Tube Tools used for Boiler & Heat Exchangers along with supply of Bolting tools keeping the segment same and diversifying number of products.
Pipe Cutting Machine is one of new development which TIGHTX worked on last two years and developed vendors within India and assembly line at our own premises.
Oil and Gas
Considered being the biggest sector in the world in terms of dollar value, the oil and gas sector is a global powerhouse using hundreds of thousands of workers worldwide and generating hundreds of billions of dollars globally each year. We suppy tools for Upstream, Midstream and Downstream.
Products of the mining industry generate the majority of energy used in this country, from electricity in homes to fuel in vehicles. Mined resources also serve as inputs for consumer goods and the processes & services provided by nearly all other industries, particularly in agriculture, manufacturing, utilities.
Power Generation
Power is one of the most critical components of infrastructure crucial for the economic growth & welfare of nations. The existence and development of adequate infrastructure is essential for sustained growth of the Indian economy. India’s power sector is one of the most diversified in the world.
Cement & Heavy Industries
Cement industry is the second most important primary and basic industry for the economic development of India, second only after iron and steel industry the cement industry is basic industry and makes an important contribution to the development of the other factory industry.